indian cinema heritage foundation

Chhote Sarkaar (1974)

  • Release Date1974
  • GenreRomance, Drama
  • FormatColor
  • LanguageHindi
  • Run Time132 mins
  • Number of Reels14
  • Gauge35mm
  • Censor RatingU
  • Censor Certificate Number75599
  • Certificate Date14/08/1974
  • Shooting LocationNatraj Studios, Famous Studioes, Filmalaya Studios, Ranjit Studios

Raja & Moti although were twins, still Raja was addressed as CHHOTE SARKAR. As after their father's death, Moti became the administrator of the Princely Estate, and Raja carried by his passion for painting was absorbed fully in it. His art was mainly inspired by different moods of womanhood.

Seema (Shashikala) although being Moti's wife, yet demanded Raja's company recalling her friendship with him from college days. Infuriated by her immoral acts Raja insulted her one day, and hurt by him she got the brothers separated from each other. She even poisoned their mother's mind against Raja.

Raja started hating women after seeing such a tardy picture of Women. He swore not to take any woman as his Model.

But woman only changed his mind. And this was Radhika (Sadhana) a village beauty, pious and simpleton. He was again inspired to paint woman, but none else than Radhika carrying the fragrant smile on her face. Radhika became his Model. But who was Radhika? She was a maid servant recently appointed by Seema for her would be child. And learning this relation between the two, Seema insulted Radhika and turned her out. Raja could do nothing, but left the city after her in frustration.

Moti got set back from this episode, as he used to betray many in the grab of Raja. For instance he had already molested and hurt Kasturi, Raja's one time Model. This time his prey were Basti people, whom he wanted to evacuate their land. He imposed himself as their loving Raja and on false promise to build new houses for them he got the land vacated.

When Raja came back to the city, he was angered to know the plight of Basti people and wanted to take Moti to task. But before he could set his plan in act Moti had already become a murderer, that too of Kasturi who had sworn to expose Moti. Raja was the only witness, but he too was the only saviour of Family's Prestige. He could think of their Mother's feelings on Moti going to Gallows. He saved his brother, his Family's reputation, he sacrificed, and took the blame on himself. But did Raja's Sacrifice effected Moti's feeling, did he keep all the promises he gave to the accused Raja? Or, did he take advantage of Raja's arrest, this all you will witness on the SCREEN when you meet personally, "CHHOTE SARKAR".

[from the official press booklet]

